RoHS standard

RoHS environmental standards

When choosing to view electronic products or in the Datasheet of various electronic devices Would have seen a circular symbol With the letter “Pb” and expected with a oblique line Or have written “RoHS Compliant” or will write “Pb-Free”, “Green” or whatever That means that those devices Passed the requirements called “RoHS” (the symbol of each brand is different Because there is no official symbol

What is RoHS?

RoHS Stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances Is the preparation for 2002/95 / EC of the European Union (EU) on the issue of the use of hazardous materials in the use of equipment and electrical appliances? Many radio media, every piece that is made up of electrical appliances from before selling Currently limited to 6 types of passenger as follows:

1.Lead (Pb) not more than 0.1% by weight
2.Mercury (Hg) not more than 0.1% by weight
3.Cadmium (Cd) does not exceed 0.01% by weight
4.Hexavalent (Cr-VI) not more than 0.1% by weight
5.Polybenyl Biphenyl (PBB) not more than 0.1% by weight
6.Polybrominated dihydrogen ether (PBDE) not more than 0.1% by weight

But there are exceptions for some devices That still cannot use other substances to replace Or substitutes More dangerous, such as fluorescent lamps Which contains mercury as a component Lead in alloy steel. In addition, medical and military tools are in the exception.

Who does RoHS affect?

RoHS is a requirement that applies to electrical appliances. Traded in the European Union Which became effective since July 2006, but in other countries, such as the United States of America, Japan, China, Korea, also began to impose regulations in this way as well. Should begin to study and understand this requirement more because in the future, this requirement would spread throughout the world

Choose to use the device Pb-Free

For electronics Who is the circuit designer Can choose to use devices that are Pb-Free or RoHS by almost all brands of electronics manufacturers Usually produce Pb-Free model equipment to replace old equipment Which may add characters such as ‘G’ into the Part Number but still have the same functionality Can be used interchangeably What is different from the original is These devices are able to withstand the high heat that is used to process circuit board assemblies. Since this Pb-Free bonding material (lead) has a higher melting point than the non-Pb-Free model, but for those who have already purchased a Pb-Free device, there is no need to pass. Such requirements Can be soldered with conventional lead Which is easy to solder And more beautiful Because ordinary lead is easily dissolved And has more shine than Pb-Free lead

For Thailand There is not much mention of this kind of specification, so if you are not an electrical appliance designer to sell abroad Still do not worry But should be studied To be useful in buying and using electronic equipment In the future, devices that are Pb-Free will probably play a greater role. And replacing old equipment

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