
“Halogen Free”

After the crisis, RoHS regulations, leading manufacturers around the world Have turned to compete for more environmentally friendly products To compete for leadership in the market of environmentally friendly products that are open to all manufacturers with innovations that help sustain the environment Many manufacturers And they searched for environmental issues That is in the current trend of consumers and the public To be used as their selling point

The term “Halogen Free” or “Halogen-free product” is another word that is of interest to all parties, including producers, environmentalists, NGOs and lawmakers. This word can be very confusing. Because both manufacturers and consumers understand that halogen free Or halogen-free products are considered “green products” that are environmentally friendly. Both in reality Production or use of some halogen-free products May not always be beneficial to humans or the environment

Halogen Is the name Element 7 in the periodic table or halogen element Element in this group There are 5 types of fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I) and astringent (At). All 5 elements are elements that exist in nature. But because these elements are very sensitive to chemical reactions Therefore rarely found in pure form But will be found mostly in the form of metal salts or compounds called “halides”


With many outstanding treasures Causing widespread use of halogen elements Examples of halogen applications that can be seen in human everyday life, such as Using chlorine to kill germs Used in the production of tap water Disinfection in the pool Use to clean the bathroom And used as a bleach or use of alcoholic iodine Used for killing germs when there are wounds well known as Iodine tincture, etc.

Halogens are not a bad thing to waste all humans, animals and creatures in the world. Requires halogen compounds In life Well-known halides such as table salt (NaCl) are basic minerals that humans cannot live without or iodine That is an important component of thyroid hormones That serves to control the body’s energy metabolism Or even in the human stomach It is necessary to have hydrochloric acid (HCl) for digestion.

Halogen compound Groups that create problems or cause concern That will cause environmental problems, often not naturally occurring halogen compounds But is a halogen compound Man-made in the form of organic compounds (Organo Halogen Compounds – Or a group of polymers that contain halogen as a component), commonly referred to as “halocarbon”. Which is dangerous and has a law prohibiting use such as PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl), PBB (Polybrominated Biphenyl), PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers), DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) And chlorine and bromine compounds Some types of ozone depleting substances Such as CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon), which is used very much in the cooling cycle And used to clean parts, etc. Scientists found that Many types of carbon halos cause problems for humans and the environment. 

The problem of halocarbon There are both problems that arise from themselves. (Compound) that needs to be considered for the unique properties of each compound and the problems that result from the decomposition of halocarbons Causes halogen release In an uncontrollable state or without good control Causes severe corrosive halides Or other compounds such as dioxins and furan Emanating into the environment These compounds Can accumulate in the human body Cause genetic disorders Cause immune deficiency Cause light disease, sow and cause cancer etc. Table 1 shows some toxic samples of halocarbon

Table 1: Hazardous samples of some halocarbons

Name of Halo Carbon Usage examples Toxicity
PCN (Polychlorinated naphthalene) Lubricant, wood preservation, wire coating to increase insulation, used as an additive in rubber (Synthetic rubber such as neoprene) and plastic, used as a dielectric In the capacitor And flame retardation Skin rash, liver disease

Toxic to aquatic organisms

DDT (dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane) Insecticide, mosquito repellent Symptoms of brain allergy, tumors (in monkeys) may cause cancer (liver) and may affect Human development and reproduction
DDT Is a durable pollutant (Age in the environment is about 2-15 years). DDT is believed to be the cause of The rapid decline of predators such as hawks, organic birds and animals in food chains such as shrimp, shellfish, crabs, fish
PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) Coolant, used as transformer insulator And capacitors, used as stabilizers, PVC, mixtures, insecticides, hydraulic oils, used as flame retardants


Skin rash, liver damage, immune deficiency, slow development, decreased memory, affect estrogen production Cause abnormalities in the reproductive system, carcinogenic


As you know now, no country has laws to prohibit the use of halogen compounds or have regulations requiring products to be halogen-free like “cast” covering all substances. With halogen as a component For the simple reason that all halogen compounds are not dangerous. Some halogen compounds are essential. And even halogens are toxic (Sensitive to reactions) but there are many ways to control Or reduce danger There are only some halo carbon compounds. With laws prohibiting use As you know PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl), PCT (Polychlorinated Terphenyl), PBB (Polybrominated Biphenyl), PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers), Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (Only in textiles), PCP (Pentachlorophenol: CAS No 87-86-5) และเกลือและเอสเตอร์ของสารนี้, DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), Monomethyl — tetrachlorodiphenyl methane (Trade name: Ugilec 141, CAS No 76253-60-6), Monomethyl-dichloro-diphenyl methane  (Trade name: Ugilec 121, Ugilec 21), Monomethyl-dibromo-diphenyl methane (Trade name: DBBT), น้ำChlorine-containing washers, SCCP (short-chain chlorinated paraffins – C10-C13) and PCN (Polychlorinated Napthalenes) and halocarbons In the group of ozone depleting substances (CFC, HCFC, etc.)

After RoHS starts to take effect Japanese and European manufacturers Began to drive production More environmentally friendly products Start from lead-free products, followed by halogen-free products that are currently being hilarious. Halogen-free products are caused by many factors. But the factors that seem to be the main driving force at present are Marketing reasons

Buyers, both consumers and buyers Often understands that halogen free Or halogen-free products are considered “green products” or clean products Both in reality (Under current technology conditions) some halogen-free products May not always be good for humans and the environment However, many OEM companies that are committed to seizing the environment-friendly product market Different requirements All incoming material must be completely halogen free. Some even announced that the Vendor will be removed from the Approved Vendor List (AVL).

But being able to endorse this product All parties involved need to have the same understanding. In the meaning of the word “Halogen-free” before, but the basic condition is that Seems to be far away from the truth Make it present Different manufacturers Different definitions of the words “Halogen-free” in the context of their interest Operators that produce products enter each industry. Therefore need to learn and understand these contexts as well To be able to convey meaning And understanding each other in the supply chain Including the correct implementation of the objectives

If actually translating the meaning of “Halogen Free” without giving any additional explanation, this term makes the general consumer understand that the product does not contain elemental elements in the halogen group. Cl, Br, I, and At are components But as mentioned above Not all halogen compounds Will be a substance that is a problem for humans and the environment. The use of this term is therefore implicitly known as Halocarbon or halogens in the polymer group only, and because Astartin (At) is the most rare element in the world, it is possible. (The amount of astringent that is present on the surface of the world, together with less than 1 teaspoon), should not be concerned about At (both not produced and probably cannot be tested in commercial terms). There is only a polymer compound containing F, Cl, Br and I that must be concerned In the network that should be concerned for the electrical and automotive industry Polymers containing chlorine and bromine Is the material group that is most focused For many reasons

The first important reason must be to raise the quantity and diversity. Of polymers that have Chlorine and bromine are components. That is produced and used widely throughout the world Risk level From the harm of both halogen compounds So high Plastic containing chlorine (such as PVC) is a plastic that is produced. And have the highest usage Among all the plastics produced in the world Chlorine compound Also being used in other plastic production processes With no chlorine as components such as PC (polycarbonate), PU (polyurethane), silicone, PTFE (Teflon), PE (polyethylene) and epoxy etc. Bromine It is often used as a flame retardant. In many types of flammable materials such as paper, cloth, fiber and plastic etc.

The most common reason for using chlorine and bromine Can be an important condition Due to halides of chlorine and bromine Most are easily soluble substances. Therefore found these substances accumulated in large quantities in sea water especially The sea contains a large amount of dissolved minerals, such as the Dead Sea (Israel), all countries with coastal seas. Therefore able to access chlorine and bromine sources thoroughly Chlorine production Often done by separating chlorine and sodium from saline using electricity. (Electrolysis) Bromine production Often done by using ion exchange with chlorine gas. With a relatively simple production process And sources of raw materials distributed around the world Make chlorine and bromine Is a cheap precursor compared to other elements Even transport and storage of chlorine and bromine There will be a lot of danger. But can control By choosing the appropriate storage material And reducing the severity of the reaction by making Cl and Br in the form of compounds etc.

The reason may be less important but not overlooked. Is the reason for the test analysis Both analyzing the amount of halogen elements in the material And analysis The toxicity and danger of each type of carbon halo Although chemists can analyze the amount of halogen elements In chemicals in the laboratory But the analysis of halogen content in the material It’s also quite difficult to do. Especially fluorine content (Sensitive to reactions And erode almost everything that is in the front) because it is necessary to separate these elements Leaving the molecules of the material to be tested And retain the halogen separately for precise quantitative analysis Without letting the emission back into the atmosphere Or dropped out to react and combine with other elements That these substances have the opportunity to experience Therefore only the quantity Chlorine and Bromine Only with more extensive analysis Fluorine and iodine

The term “halogen-free” may therefore mean only Free of chlorine and bromine only Because the manufacturer may not have analyzed To evaluate the amount of other halogen compounds Or maybe because Not the substance that is in the interest In view of the risks to human health And environmental impacts But without the expansion of words This is clearly used. May cause the person to get misunderstood information

Currently, there are many industries that issue halogen requirements, such as JIG List B, requiring manufacturers to report to buyers (not banned) if using flame retardants. Containing bromine (not PBB / PBDE that is prohibited by RoHS) Or using PVC (saying that there is or not) or JGPSSI that contains a list of substances that must be reported, similar to the substance that specifies the JIG but is more detailed or EPEAT that is forbidden to intentionally put the flame retardant and plasticizer that is Short-Chain Chlorinate Paraffins (SCCP) and provide a material indication that requires special attention In order to facilitate the treatment of the product after expiration, there are also IEC standards, ISO and standards of the Association of Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers (IPC) that have certain requirements that are linked to substances in the halogen group.

Halogen and fire protection standards
In places that are vulnerable to fire hazards For example, in which there are a lot of people together Or areas where the fire evacuation of people is limited, such as schools, hospitals, hotels, airports, subway stations Or inside the subway Need to have preventive measures That may be caused by a fire accident That is more strict than others From studying the causes of loss of life From a fire accident in these places It was found that most were caused by choking smoke. Almost every country Therefore issued a law to control the quality of all parts of combustible products and materials Imported to install at such risk places By combustible materials Must pass fire safety requirements (Fire-Safety) That is more stringent than materials used in general locations Which jobs that have special strict requirements include construction materials (Especially insulation) electrical and electronic appliances, furniture and materials in public transport vehicles Standards for materials in this group Will cover all parts related to the fire, starting from the flammability and distribution of flames (Ignitability and flame spread) Heat release of smoke generation materials, smoke density and toxicity (Toxicity) in which the halocarbon compounds play an important role in making materials. Pass or not pass These terms

The use of halocarbon in plastic to delay the ignition and smoke (Smoke Suppressor) helps to make the material more safe from fire. But still The decomposition of materials containing halo carbon in the fire Often leads to the formation of toxic fumes of halides (HF, HCl, HBr) which are highly corrosive If the victim caught in the fire inhaled this smoke Can be life threatening Therefore, in the case of fire escape restrictions (In the subway or in a tunnel, in a plane or in a boat) most fire safety laws There are often various materials that are installed and used in these locations. Must not release the excess amount

But … because Mechanisms of combustion of toxic gases and release of toxic fumes in the fire There are other factors involved in addition to ingredients in the material, such as temperature, oxygen content. Carbon dioxide, water and carbon monoxide Etc. Requirements relating to toxic substances / toxic gases On safety issues from fire Therefore often evaluating the results of combustion, which is different from evaluating the ingredients that are practiced In the evaluation of the free of substances prohibited by regulations RoHS/ELV

Acceptable Smoke Toxicity levels in each situation are often different. Depends on the nature of the job Risk level Place design Fire escape route And many other factors, limit the amount of toxic gas concentration Including testing methods to assess the amount of toxic gas emissions In each country, it is often not the same. Products that meet the requirements of one country May not pass the requirements of another country (Such as the requirements of the United Kingdom Will be stronger than France Which is more strict than the United States), but All requirements Often evaluated from the same basic limit, ie IDLH level (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) Or the concentration of toxic fumes Each type that is harmful to humans when given for 30 minutes (that is, 30 minutes of fire escape) as shown in the table.2

ตารางที่ 2: degree IDHL of NOISH

Toxic smoke IDHL (ppm) Constant conversion values ((mg / m3) / ppm) IDHL value (mg / m3)
carbon dioxide (CO2) 40,000 1.80 72,000
carbon dioxide (CO) 1,200 1.15 1,380
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 30 0.82 25
Hydrogen fluoride (HCl) 50 1.49 75
Hydrogen bromide (HBr) 30 3.31 99
Hydrogen cyanide(HCN) 50 1.10 55
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 20 1.88 38
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 100 2.62 262


Latest ASTM International Has issued new standards ASTM E1768-07 “Standard Test Method for Measuring Smoke toxicity for Use in Fire Hazard Analysis” For assessing the degree of toxicity of the smoke released from the material Combustible from heat exposure 50kW / m2 for 15 minutes. Can be calculated To predict the level of risk if a victim falls into the fire for 30 minutes

Halogen-free cable

In addition to toxic fumes from the decomposition of halocarbon To humans These toxic fumes also negatively affect other electronic appliances in the vicinity. That is not in the event of a fire Resulting in reduced performance and reliability of these appliances This problem is becoming more and more intense when the world has to rely on electrical appliances and electronics in many areas such as aviation communications, medicine and automatic control in engineering, etc. Control devices in these important tasks. Need to have high reliability And must be able to work continuously for 24 hours continuously for many years

Among the materials installed in the building Materials in the cable network for electricity supply And connect communication signals such as electrical wires, communication cables, extension cords, rails and conduits Is the most watched material Because these lines are at risk of fires (Short circuit) helps to spread the flame And is an important source of toxic fumes When a fire occurs Fire smoke from burning wires And continuous equipment In addition to being a danger to the victims caught in the fire Smoke that spreads in the air Can also damage To electronic power equipment Installed in the vicinity at a later time by dust, ash and acid vapor that came with the smoke Causing copper corrosion That is the main component of electrical and electronic circuits Or cause electrical insulation deterioration Causing electrical equipment to deteriorateDamage and increase the risk of short circuit at a later time Value of loss from smoke after a fire May be higher than the direct loss in the scene If there is a fire near a landmark such as the communication center Telephone network Metro Control Center And flight control centers etc.

Therefore, in addition to the basic requirements for fire safety For cables and continuous equipment (UL-94) that are somewhat more stringent than other types of products, now the market has begun to demand cables and continuous equipment Must be halogen free Which is the cause of loss after a fire increase But because there are many factors that contribute to the formation of toxic fumes Testing to confirm the toxic fumes in this case, therefore emphasizing the results evaluated (Like Fire-safety requirements) from burning Not evaluating the ingredients of banned substances in the material like RoHS / ELV

ตารางที่ 3: Standards related to halogen-free cables

standard Test topic Evaluation method
IEC 60754-21/
EN 50267-2-22
Gas acidity From burning PH and conductivity measurement From smoke that is dissolved in water
ASTM D54853 Corrosion of results From burning Cone Corrosimeter
ISO 119074 Corrosion of results From burning Static corrosivity And Dynamic corrosivity


IEC 60754-2: “Test on Gases Evolved During Combustion of Materials from Cables – Part 2: Determination of the Degree of Acidity of Gases Evolved During the Combustion of Materials Taken from Electric Cables by Measuring pH and Conductivity”
EN 50267-2-2: “Common Test Methods for Cables Under Fire Conditions – Tests on Gases Evolved During Combustion of Materials From Cables – Part 2-2: Procedures – Determination of Degree of Acidity of Gases for Materials by Measuring pH and Conductivity”
ASTM D5485-05: “Standard Test Method for Determining the Corrosive Effect of Combustion Products Using the Cone Corrosimeter”
ISO 11907: “Plastics — Smoke generation — Determination of the corrosivity of fire effluents” — Part 1: Guidance, Part 2: Static method, Part 3: Dynamic decomposition method using a travelling furnace, Part 4: Dynamic decomposition method using a conical radiant heater
Standards related to toxic gas emissions From cables and continuous equipment That is internationally recognized Can be summarized in Table 3 when considering the evaluation method. What is the focus of the assessment Will stay at the overall results By evaluating the acidity and / or corrosion ability Of substances that are the result of all combustion combined Not specific to toxic fumes That results only from halogen compoundsCombustion of many materials (such as wood) can also release acidic fumes (such as acetic acid from wood burning) but smoke from halogen acids. Will have a much higher acidity than these organic gases If there is only a small amount of hydrogen chloride (HCl) vapor Can cause the pH to drop so much that it does not pass this requirement

If considering the standards that are related to halogens in cables As summarized in Table 3, in detail, it can be seen that testing according to these standards Not designed to confirm halogen-free products But is an assessment of the effects of having certain halogen compounds That results in corrosion in conditions close to the actual conditions (Toxic fumes mixed with water from moisture in the air) only. The pH assessment resulting from the dissolution of halogens in water can tell the level of Hydrochloric acid and hydrobromic But the measurement of acidity in aqueous solution Cannot indicate quantity Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is as good as it should be, because HF is a weak acid when dissolved in water, but if dissolving HF in other solvents, such as in acetic acid, it gets hydrofluoric acid. Which is the most acidic among all halogenated acids

In addition, if considering the ability to corrode as a result of smoke Will see that in reality Not only the acidic vapor that is corrosive to metals Or cause the material to lose electrical insulation Dust and small ashes Floating in the smoke and the moisture in the air Can damage, do not drop off But the tests mentioned above Can not evaluate the impact From insoluble ingredients that are good conductors Yes (such as try graphite charcoal) so it is not always certain that The cables that have been evaluated in accordance with the methods specified in Table 3 will have the ability to cause corrosion. Better than other types of cables Therefore still need to develop standards for additional assessment methods To confirm the problem in this case

Halogen-free printed circuit board

When considering the effects of halogens in electrical and electronic appliances In a view other than behavior during a fire Will see that the release of halogen into the atmosphere Often comes from appliances that are “survived” that were burned at the age of More than the burned machine in the fire But these appliances are not in “Critical condition” as if the appliances in the fire Therefore there are many ways to be able to manage correctly

When considering the reasons for using halogen compounds In electrical and electronic appliances Will see that halocarbon is necessary in some jobs Especially work that requires safety from high fire But some cases may be avoided Reducing or disabling halogens Therefore able to provide both good and bad results Therefore need to consider on a case-by-case basis and this consideration Need to consider the impact throughout the life cycle of production, consumption And the destruction of related products (using Life-cycle thinking) should not only consider the issues that are “news” that people in the market are interested in Regardless of the impact at other times Because it may cause pushing the burden off the body (To manufacturers in the supply chain) that may adversely affect the environment rather than good results

But still Even in jobs that cannot avoid the use of halocarbons The manufacturer should not remain silent. But should do one To reduce the impact From using halocarbon In electrical and electronic appliances down To the extent necessary And should be implemented to facilitate the management of the carcasses when they expire (WEEE)

When considering the view of reducing impact From using halocarbon With the laws relating to management Electrical appliances such as the WEEE regulations will see that the first thing that all parties can do is Providing information and marking indications on parts / materials Therefore is the origin of Requesting information about halogens from manufacturers in the supply chain in both JIG, JGPSSI and in GADSL and assigning resin codes “HF” (HF Here means “Halogen Free” Resin Not hydrofluoric acid) on materials to assist in the identification of materials Both during production and in the process of managing the wreckage Causing a growing demand for products that are “Halogen Free”, causing the “HF” symbol to be a new selling point in the electrical and electronic industry after the RoHS trend has begun to fade (because competitors can adapt to meet almost all)

From the current demand for halogen-free products that are becoming increasingly concentrated While there are no rules To control or confirm the correctness of manifestations “Halogen-free products” In 2003, the Japan Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers Association, JPCA issued the requirements for testing and definition of “Halogen-free” in the JPCA ES01 standard “Halogen-free” or “Halogen-Free” is included in the IEC 61249-2-21 standard And the standard of the IPC-TM-650 Method Number 2.3.41 in 2006 for the method of estimating the amount of halogen in the base material. JPCA and IEC have developed additional standards for other types of printed circuit boards. Later in 2007, IPC and JEDEC Have jointly issued the new standard IPC / JEDEC J-STD-609 to replace IPC-1066 and JESD97 standards 

The term “Halogen-Free”, in the sense of a group of printed circuit board manufacturers and equipment, is different from the Halogen-Free of cable manufacturers. Because there are different objectives For printed circuit board cases

The term “Halogen-Free” in the sense of IEC 61249-2-21 means “Halogen resin in resin combined with reinforcing materials. Reinforcement matrix, total not more than 1,500 ppm, with a chlorine content of not more than 900 ppm and bromine content not exceeding 900 ppm”

IEC 61249-2-21 provides the meaning of the word “No Halogen” but no inspection method But for the standard JPCA ES01-2003, IPC / JEDEC J-STD-609 and IPC-TM-650 Method Number 2.3.41 The term “halogen free” will have the limit of chlorine and bromine quantity as same as IEC 61249-2- 21 (Cl & lt; 900 ppm, Br & lt; 900 ppm, Total Halogen & lt; 1,500 ppm) Refers to the halogen that is evaluated by analyzing the amount of chloride ion (Cl-) and bromide ion (Br-) from the combustion of the sample material according to the method specified by the technique Ion Chromatography

(Note: Testing according to JPCA ES01-2003 and IPC-TM-650 Method 2.3.41 has main components and is based on the same principle. But differ in sample issues (size, quantity and number of test samples), type and quantity of chemicals used And sample preparation procedures before testing)

It is worth noting that Test method to confirm halogen-free In the current printed circuit board Does not evaluate the mixture of halogen elements in the material But only assess the amount of chloride ions (Cl-) and bromide ions (Br-) that result from the resin burning. Only the absorbent used in the test can be absorbed. (In this case is Alkaline solution) Halogen-free according to the meaning of the printed circuit board manufacturer. Or halogen-free confirmation This method does not cover fluoride and / or halogenated compounds that do not release chloride or bromide during combustion. Or condense into other substances that are not soluble in alkaline solutions, etc. This evaluation is considered appropriate. And sufficient to meet the initial objectives of the standard Which is to provide symbols to facilitate the management of the carcass that has expired Those who apply the criteria and methods of this test Therefore need to understand the objectives, limits of standards as well

In addition, the standards mentioned above Is only a halogen-free requirement Halogen-free products Still need other qualifications according to specific requirements for use That must not be inferior to the existing products in the market, especially safety and environmental performance Mechanical properties And electrical properties

Halogen and Green Label (Ecolabels)
In addition to laws regulating the use of certain hazardous substances, currently, government and private agencies in many countries have supported the production and consumption of environmentally friendly products. Through marketing mechanisms such as providing green labels (Ecolabel), which is the label that is used on the product In order to help consumers in choosing to buy environmental protection products or mechanisms for the purchase of environmental products (Green procurement or Green Purchasing) of large public and private sectors That opens the way for the purchasing department Can choose to buy products that are environmentally friendly, etc. These mechanisms are voluntary mechanisms By the agency responsible for certifying and issuing labels Will determine the criteria for judging and evaluation methods For each product By most agencies “Label owner” is usually a national agency. Or agencies that are internationally recognized Green label that is internationally known, such as EU Flower European Union, Blue Angel of Germany, Eco Mark of Japan, Nordic Swan of Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), Green Seal of USA, TCO (developed by Sweden) computer Cell phone And office furniture etc

The criteria for judging the green label Of various agencies Often consider environmental issues Which is an important issue for each product Which depends on each country Whether to focus on any particular issue of interest Halocarbon compounds Is one issue that is being watched But still Determination of criteria for judging Need to take into account the surrounding effects Both the advantages and disadvantages of reducing the use of certain hazardous substances In addition, the specified criteriaMust also be determined in a manner that allows all 3 parties (buyers, sellers and third parties) to be able to evaluate Or confirm the declaration of conformity with transparency

If studying the criteria for the green label for electrical and electronic products In various countries in details, it is evident that the requirements for the mixture of halocarbon are started. More and more But most are the requirements issued to aim to reduce the impact In the process of handling the product that is shy As well as the requirements for printed circuit boards The above

The most common requirements in many products are PBB, PBDE, Short Chain Chloropafaffin (SCCP) that has a carbon chain in the chain between 10-17 atoms and contains more than 50% of chlorine by weight (CAS no. 85535-84-8 and 85535-85-9), and (only with heavy plastics that are 25 grams), flame retardants or preparations That are classified as harmful to humans and the environment (such as carcinogens (R45) or Affecting genetic changes (R46) or affecting reproduction (R60), harmful to the fetus (R61), toxic to aquatic organisms (R50 / R51) and long-term adverse effects on the system Water eco (R53), etc.) In addition, most green labels Still have the requirements to mark on parts – materials To facilitate the carcass management These requirements Is the source of the specification of producer groups in each branch Such as JIG, JGPSSI, JCSA, IPC, JEDEC etc.